Toronto Billboards, Bus Shelters | Photography and Design

Billboard of Patrick Rocca in Leaside | Photo by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.jpg
Susan Gucci | Royal LePage | Photo by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.jpg

I want to have my new billboard A.S.A.P.!

You don’t want the hassle of dealing with ad agencies, photographers, art directors, designers, etc..

You’re looking a smaller company who will actually listen to what you want.

You want creative input, to see some samples, then Boom - it just happens!

Concept, Photography, Board Design.

No worries matching proprietary guidelines, specifications, etc.

- Jim Dawson | FOTOWORK.ca GETS it done.

Christan Bosley  Photo by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.jpg
Billboard for Al Sinclair | Royal LePage | Photo by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.jpg

Nothing spells success like Billboards and Bus Shelters.

Outdoor advertising is your opportunity to creatively display your personality and style.

while effectively conveying your unique approach to marketing properties and developing client relationships.


Sheree Cerqua Billboard in Leaside | Photo by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.jpg
Bus Shelter for Catherine Gordon | Photography & Design by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.JPG
Billboard of Catherine Gordon | ReMax Hallmark | Photography & Graphics by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.jpg
Susuan Gucci  Photo by Jim Dawson FOTOWORK.jpg
How many clients have started out with “ I Just Want...”

My job is to give the client choices, do it fast, and be effective.

“So many clients start out with “ I Just Want…”

My job, as I see it, is to give the client choices, execute quickly, and be accurate and effective.”